Nadine Taylor
Nadine Taylor spent 16 years as the Campaign Director of the UK based father’s rights campaign group, Fathers4Justice, creating high profile campaigns that earned them headlines around the world.
As someone who was herself a victim of domestic abuse, and who spent 10 years going through the family courts, Nadine has a unique experience of being able to understand the practical, as well as emotional aspects of the situations faced by so many parents today.
In 2019 Nadine branched out on her own to work as a “McKenzie Friend” – supporting and assisting people in court, mainly fathers. Nadine has built up her own valuable network of contacts so she can provide clients with the best support services and experts to assist with their cases.
Nadine is keen to help more people train to provide this valuable service which is particularly essential for people unable to afford lawyers. Once proceedings conclude, Nadine ensures her clients can access “after care”, including appropriate counselling, career/ financial or estate planning.
During her time in Australia, Nadine plans to connect with people keen to set up similar support services in Australia.